Show Intro

Graphic Design? Can you make a living at that? Design Futures is a show about the lives of designers as they discover their way in the world after graduation.

Chris St.Cyr, Associate Professor of Graphic Design at the College of Saint Rose and creative director at the design firm, 2communiqué, interviews former graphic design students to find out what they’ve been doing since graduation. Maybe you’re a high school student or the parent of a high school student wondering if your child can have a career in graphic design or maybe you’re in college right now still wondering about your choice of graphic design as a major or you’re a former student at one of the schools I’ve taught at and you’re wondering what happen to your classmates. We’ll have stories that consider these questions as they relate to design, careers, education, and life after school.


The Show

The Intro Music

Synergistic Effect by morgantj (copyright 2011 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.)